Due to rolling illnesses in our nest, the Nockinbirds will not be going to the Great State Fair of Texas (insert sounds of sad moans). However, our own dear community provided us with a taste of the glories of a fall fair. I saw that there would be a costume contest for the kids, so we recycled Little Miss's "box of puppies" from last year. She's going as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz this year, but I didn't see that one taking best costume or most creative, which was the one I figured we had the best shot at. I didn't realize the incredibly small turn out they would have--a couple of football players, some M&M fairies, a baby in a pumpkin suit. Little Miss was seized by stage fright and refused to let me take a good picture...until they started calling for audience applause to determine the winner. Clap for that kid and she turns into a ham. Naturally, this was after I'd put away my camera so I could clap and hoot in support. The fair's photographer was quite taken with her costume and then Little Miss Ham stuck out her tongue and started panting like a dog. Jeez. She took first place, of course.
What really started this competition ball rolling was something I put on my "42 by 41" list when I turned 40 last December. One of the things I wrote down (and actually remembered because I now have no idea where that list is anymore) was to enter something in the fair. I was thinking a photo at the State Fair, but missed the deadline for that. When I read about the festival having a costume contest, it also listed a pumpkin cooking contest. Loverboy suggested I make my pumpkin muffins (however, he had confused them with my banana cinnamon chip muffins) and I felt my pumpkin bread pudding with pecan caramel sauce had winner potential, so I got up at 5:00 am this morning to cook before I went to the high school to proctor the ACT. Loverboy and Little Miss were kind enough to run them down to the square for me this morning.
The muffins won third and the pumpkin bread pudding came in second. Loverboy, the negative Nelly, would mention here that there were probably only three entries, and he's most likely right. The woman he ran into this morning at the drop off told him she won first place last year with her pumpkin muffins. So mission accomplished, I entered a contest and even got prizes...but now...I feel a slow burn starting to bring down this smug competition...pumpkin bars?...pumpkin cheesecake?...I would have liked to have tried the pumpkin bread that she won with this year to see if she "won" just because she "wins" every year...One thing I know...I WILL triumph!
Our prizes paid for a good bit of our fun at the festival. Little Miss's prize was $15, mine were $10 and $15.
The ubiquitous sand art.
Fun with animals at the petting zoo. Little Miss has developed an affinity for chickens--but I haven't shared about our chicken bingo adventure! I will, I will.
I don't know if I'd buy gourmet hot chocolate out of a lemon on an 85 degree day, but the lemonade was okay.
The Chuck Wagon Soda Company's root beer was a big hit, mostly because it was served in a cute tin cup.
MMmmmmm, funnel cake.
Little Miss braved most of the ropes course.
But this was totally her favorite. Getting into a giant, clear beach ball that's inflated around you with a leaf blower (hearing loss anyone?) and rolling into a shallow pool of water on a warm October day...what's not to love? The mother and daughter running this were very nice. I'm not sure this is something we could do for a February birthday, though. http://www.bubblerunners.com/ Check it out if you'd like to know more.
It's got the Nockinbird seal of approval!