Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A little bit of the summer fun so far...

It's been a busy summer of fun for the Nockinbirds.  We took in a Fort Worth Cats baseball game.  It was Little Miss's first, but given her enthusiasm (especially for Dodger, the mascot) it won't be the last.  Also, with all tickets for Sunday games being $5, it's pretty easy on the pocketbook.
Little Miss was verrry alert for foul balls.  So alert she insisted on staying for most of the second game of the double header, hoping to catch a ball.  I was amazed at how closely she was following the game until I realized it was steely concentration trying to will a foul ball to come our way.  Most them went out into the parking lot...luckily NOT on our car.
It was fun that Dodger, as well as the players between the games, were very accessible.
And there were snowcones!  And pretzels....and hotdogs...and Cracker Jacks...and...
lots and lots of fun.
The next week was Girl Scout Twilight Camp.  Here Little Miss and cousin Lolly sit upon their "sit-upons" which they decorated with duct tape. 
They learned a lot of fun songs, which they sang over and over and over and over again.  Here, I think, was their favorite, "Penguins, attention!" 

An evening snowcone after I picked them up for camp was refreshing.  And a last sugar rush just before bedtime.
Lest you think Lolo was left out of the fun, she seemed to have had a pretty good time being the only child for a few hours every evening.

She went through the mini-door into this restaurant about twenty times...then refused to do it again once I got my camera out.

I channeled my inner handyman and took both of them by myself to a Build and Grow.  They made monkey-powered planes ala the Madagasgar movie.  Frankly, it was one of the more difficult projects lately, but we all left with fingers intact, so I say it was a success.

We went to the library's reading club during the week and got to meet a search and rescue dog..but I don't know how to get pictures off my iphone and onto my blog yet...they thoroughly enjoyed that, as did Molly.  Saturday, after the Build and Grow, we went back to the library to see a magician.  They both were really into his show.  I prefered his accordian playing before the magic act, myself.

We had some pool time with Uncle Trey, though Lolo refused to leave the baby pool.  She reminds me a lot of..me.  Water in my ears?  NO, thank you very much.  The older two and I stayed in the lap pool, which I love since it's deepest part is 4'6".  No water in the ears.

We've continued to spend a good deal of time at our library, often leaving with a LOT of loot.  Little Miss even got to hug Smokey Bear (again, the iphone picture transfer thingy.  I'll get Loverboy to help out with my technophobia and get those pics up eventually)

Back at the Nockinbird orchard, we have  had so many peaches, they were breaking the branches.  Little Miss harvested the few she could reach.
And juggled the wormy one.

Which Emily enjoyed after it hit the ground.

Loving the lazy days of summer!

Friday, June 1, 2012

A most excellent start to Summer 2012

Yesterday was my first day of summer vacation and I was awakened at 9:00 (!!) by my  breakfast elves who were hard at work on blueberry/blackberry pancakes.  A truly outstanding way to kick off the first day of summer!
I started my summer craft project #1.  Very seasonally appropriate.
Little Miss wanted to get in on the crafty fun and started her first cross-stitch project.  I'm not sure that needlework with one's eyes closed is a safe technique, but the craft-fu is strong in this young one.
I'm always happy to see Molly's birthday roll around on the calendar because it usually coincides with the start of summer!  After a multi-generational trip to Walmart so Little Miss could spend her end-of-school gift card from Papa, we treated the birthday girl to lunch at Pizza Hut.  There is no end to the elegance of our daily lives, truly.
We kept up the feeding of the birthday girl at dinner.  Loverboy made his super delicious cheese fondue.  After the dunking, Little Miss wanted to play games.  Molly started to beg off when Little Miss announced she was going to get Candy Land, but when she back into the kitchen with the bingo game...well, Molly's never one to turn down a bingo game!  Note she is also sporting the one-of-a-kind shrinky-dink necklace Little Miss gifted her with. 

A birthday, Walmart, pizza, fondue, bingo...we are off to a fabulous start this summer!