Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy Birthday, Loverboy!

My sweet baboo begins the last year of his forties.  After fixing our pepper level at a local Tex-Mex spot, we went for ice cream (no, I did not make him a cake...his birthday's on a Wednesday this year!  If you want a homemade cake, have a birthday on the weekend.  When Molly gets back from the McKinney Bandys' Friday, she'll provide a cake.  Don't worry, there will be cake.)  Since it was a special, my special boy got a special treat--peanut butter hot fudge sundae, mmmmmmm.  It is vital to note this marked what is likely the first time the words "It's too much peanut butter" have ever crossed his lips.  It took forty-nine years, but the peanut butter finally defeated him.  Long live the king!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The sandwich that made me cry...

After dinner was cleared tonight, Loverboy had to run a quick errand.  The evening was zipping along, so I was headed to the shower, leaving Annie to her own devices.  As I shoved the last of the leftovers into the fridge she asked if I wanted her to make me her "world famous cheese sandwich" for my lunch for tomorrow.  Who could say no?  She asked my bread preference, mayo or no, and told me to go take my shower.  She had this under control.  Okay.  I showered, she showered, fifteen minutes of reading Little House on the Prairie, several minutes of chatting to stall having to actually go to sleep, then I was up to find out if that sandwich had sat out for an hour on the kitchen counter.  No, it had not.  She got it in a ziploc (and even it got locked, which often confounds me).  And she wrote me a note, in it's own ziploc, too.  That's when I started crying.  Of course, she hadn't taken out the leftover container that held my lunch for day...but still, how precious is that?!
I'm not totally sure what the note looks like hold mama love you go yae yae have a good day...something along those lines.
My lunch tomorrow...the world famous cheese sandwich!  Whole wheat, mayo, two slices of store brand American (you got it free if you bought the brand turkey that I always buy!  Love HEB.)  Go ahead, be jealous.  I had just about gotten over the sheer preciousness of it all, when I turned the note over...
and she'd written me a Knock Knock joke.  That was what I did in her lunches last year.  I thought she was over the notes/jokes and have only sent a couple so far this year.  As soon as I'm done here, I'm searching knock knock jokes to send EVERY day.  I love that kid.  Crying again.  Sniffle.