While detangling after a shower, that for once in a great while we got through with enough hot water, a request was made for pigtails. Who am I to deny such cuteness, even if it's about to be slept on.
We did find time for a book of hidden pictures and a few Richard Scary tales--"A Tale of Tails," "Whisper in My Ear," and "Feed Hungry Hilda Hippo" are the current favorites. I can remember reading/being read to the hippo one. There's a drawing of ice cream with the most high-gloss red cherry on top--for some reason that's the image that always springs to mind when I think of Richard Scary. That and bears in pajamas. Anyway, I like that all three of us will have childhood memories of the same book.
We had to watch a little Olympics at her request--though she couldn't decide if the speed skaters were boys or girls. I had to wait for the announcers to tell us as well. Not even the names were helping. I guess you give up boobs when you have no body fat. Never been a problem for me.
After getting Little Miss to bed, I realized it's Wednesday! That means yesterday was Tuesday! That means I missed LOST!! The final season, the one that's supposed to give us answers, and I totally forgot about it. I just finished watching it online. Is this whole thing going to boil down to good vs. evil, God vs. Satan, and free will? Really? What about the polar bears? Widmore? I just want some answers, but I don't want lame ones!!
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