Thursday, August 26, 2010

Skate party!!

How lucky are we to live in a town that has BOTH a skating rink--a seriously old school skating rink--AND a drive-in movie?
Yes, pretty darn lucky. 
Little Miss's nerve was wavering once we got inside.  Her school was having a skate get-together, but not many of her classmates were there.  Lots of the older kids, though.
I think the skates freaked her out at first, too.  I'm pretty sure they were at least as old as I am.  I like to think I've held up a little better.  Humor me.
The first time hitting the rink.
She never got far from the rail.

But she had flashes of daring and would let go of the rail.

It's probably a good thing she had the sense to stick close to the safety net.
She really started getting nervy after the first ten minutes or so and is on the way to getting the hang of it.

We didn't check out the concession stand, but it was noted.  Some seriously vintage arcade games and an air hockey table, too.  Little Miss made mention of a skating rink birthday party.  Start practicing!  Of course, I happen to have a rather significant milestone birthday approaching disturbingly rapidly...this is of a similar vintage...hmmm.  Stay posted.  And start stretching.  Maybe start taking some calcium supplements, too.

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