Thursday, September 16, 2010

Accidental delight

The last time Little Miss and I hit the grocery store together, she wanted ice cream AND ice cream cones.  We almost forgot the cones, but made a hurried trip down one more aisle, popped a box in the cart and we were off.  A couple of days passed before she was in the mood for ice cream cone dessert, but when she finally was...we couldn't find the cones!  Loverboy, thoughtful man that he is, "helps" by putting up the groceries...and then Little Miss and I get to play the "If I were Daddy, what's the least obvious place I can find to put up the groceries" game.  The ice cream cones were on the top shelf of the pantry, on top of the avocado shaped guacamole bowl, lying on its side, so only the unmarked bottom of the box was showing. 

But!-- Find them we did!  Then I opened the box..and there are the smallest ice cream cones I have ever seen.  So miniaturized that they actually qualify for the description "cute".  Had I actually looked at the box, the quantity number--60--might have clued me in.  Or the words "actual size."  But it was a fun surprise- surprise.

Little Miss gives them a thumbs-up. 

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