Thursday, October 28, 2010


Little Miss' school had a bowling/costume family night tonight, and after much grousing, pouting, storming, snide comment making, and general unpleasantness, we went after cheer practice.  Anne really wanted to go, too.  And Loverboy won both rounds, so I guess he's pleased in retrospect.  This was the first bowling adventure for Little Miss.  She seemed a little disappointed that it's harder than on the Wii.  Since I stayed up until after 11:00 last night making a litter-of-puppies costume, I was determined this crafty creation was going to get as much mileage as possible.  I was watching the Rangers lose their first World Series game while I worked on it...then I just finished watching them lose their second game...maybe the costume is the curse!
It's positively NOT cursed for Little Miss, though!  She won the prize for "funniest" costume tonight.  I would have preferred "most creative,"  but winning is winning and she was excited.
She really seemed to enjoy the experience.

Two of her kindergarten buddies showed up and bowled next to us--an Avatar (I haven't seen it, so I can't get any more specific--but her glittery make-up was impressive) and dude.  I'm going to have get more current with my pop-culture knowledge.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Grandparents, cheerleading, and Harvest Moon Festival--oh, my!

It was Grandparent Day at Little Miss' school Friday.  Her grade put on a "rodeo."  Too cute for words.

It was also our favorite public library's book sale fundraiser day...I managed to squeeze in a little browsing.  Three bags of books for $10--how could I not?  I'll share some of my treasures here another day.

It was also homecoming for Little Miss' school...and another opportunity to CHEER!!

Our mighty mascot.

With this kind of cheering behind them, is it any wonder that our team was victorious?  And now play-off bound I might add.  I'd never been to a six-man football game, and, frankly, I saw so little of this one that I can't claim I've actually watched a six-man football game.

They've got spirit, yes they do!!

The Nockinbirds headed down the town square for the Harvest Moon Festival on Sunday afternoon.  I don't think many people made it on Saturday.  After I proctored the ACT in the morning, I was afraid I would have to get a paddle and canoe my way home.  Epic rains.  Perfect Sunday though, for listening to a jazz band in the park...
browsing the produce and crafts around the courthouse...

and partaking of fair food...

the last (surely!) snowcone of 2010--tigerblood, of course...

Loverboy particularly enjoyed the pulled pork sandwich from BBQ on the Brazos.  Luckily Molly was manning the hotel, so we had a comfortable spot to enjoy our delicacies...
like fried dough with a pound of powdered sugar...

Molly did slip out for a few minutes to enjoy the petting zoo with Little Miss.

The pot-belly piglet and the miniature donkey had a very special relationship.

This is a good place to live.  And I have good people to live with.

Friday, October 15, 2010

She may never forgive me for this...

We are so lucky that our beloved little furry family member has such a sweet disposition.  I had to run by Walmart on my way home today, and couldn't resist this little number for the furriest Nockinbird:
I present Emily Elizabeth, the Fairy Princess!

Little Miss was thrilled.  She's going to be a puppy for Halloween.  And the dog is a princess.  Seems about right for our family.
Little Miss was not actually squeezing Emily's throat...just giving firm modeling directions.

A girl and her hairy fairy dog.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Trying to get Halloween ready...

I don't know why I feel like I'm lacking the Halloween spirit this year.  Dragging out boxes of decorations and festooning every surface in- or outside the house is usually my thing.  Especially since Little Miss loves it so...but I just can't seem to summon the where-with-all to just get it done.  Nonetheless, Molly keeps flooding us with Halloween holiday goodies, so the decor is slowly trickling out there.  The pirate pumpkin is the latest addition to our Halloween collection.  She even supplied the pumpkin, so it was easy to move on this project!
Little Miss was pretty much in charge of this Mr. Potato Head meets Mr. Pumpkin Head project, anyway.

Hatching some devilish scheme.

Apparently, it was how to sneek a pumpkin pirate kiss.  She really liked his gold tooth.

Yesterday, Molly took over our outdoor decor with the introduction of Mini-witch.  Molly did NOT hop on that broom she's holding and ride away--shame on you for thinking such a thing!

I've sort of inspired myself.  I'm going to hop on MY broom right now and go get the boxes of goodies out to spook-i-fy around the house!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Non-crazy fall weekend

Friday was a big school spirit experience--most of a volleyball game, the first half of the football game, and the halftime shows.  Not to mention the stadium cheeseburgers and giant pickles.  Delish!

Our football team lost, but not from lack of Little Miss's cheering.  Although, the rival team was the Bulldogs--and  they had a giant inflatable bulldog head for the team to run out of...which kind of strikes me as the team is being vomitted out by a bulldog...of course, our team run out from between the "legs" of an inflatable pirate...draw your own conclusions...but anyway, her devotion to the home team waffled with her love of doggies.
After our late night of sports enthusiasm, we headed for a Lowe's adventure.

This project was a funhouse mirror.

Fun, indeed.
Of course, a library run was needed.  I think Little Miss was still a little wilted from all the previous evening's fun.
But who isn't invigorated by the feeling of fall in the air?

I'm getting a little concerned, though, with the rapid pace with which she's picking up reading and writing.  Little Miss has been feeling the need lately to label EVERYTHING that she THINKS belongs to her with her name.

Including laying claim to the bathroom.  I'm afraid "keep out" signs aren't far off.  Isn't five a little young for surly moodiness?

Happy 10/10/10, by the way!!