Monday, December 13, 2010

It's only Monday?

And X-TREME! we Nockinbirds have been for the last couple of days.  Little Miss had a cheer competition Sunday (!) morning..and I mean morning!  After a three hour practice Saturday morning, we settled down early because we had to be in Garland at 7:30!! Sunday morning!!!  I don't know that I've ever gotten up, on purpose, at 4:30 in the morning.  I do know I've never gotten up that early to go to a cheer competition...but I have now.
Trust me, her father and I did not look so chipper.  Nor was our makeup so well done.

They really seem to be getting the hang of the cheer-team scene.  I'm happy to report that no one was dropped from atop the pyramid.  And check out the Christmas tree hat in the foreground.  I wonder if it's some sort of all season hat...a witch at Halloween, a tree at Christmas, a carrot at Easter.  Genius.

And this time, there were trophies!

Makes getting up at 4:30 am worthwhile.  Did I mention she had a fever in the night?  But the show must go on!  Teamwork.  We planned on leaving as soon as her routine was done, but she'd turned a corner and we stayed to see the "big girls" cheer.  Oh!  And there was vomit, too.  Puked up her doughnut on the way up.  She does that so much with her mucusy allegies, she gives us advance warning and can wait for the proper recepticle to be found.  Such a trooper.  Apparently, there was a barfy virus going around the group that had sense to stay at a hotel in Garland, but we've been right as rain since the compeition.  No more fever either.  Quit judging me, Mother.  And I know you still are! 
Since we were paying spectators ($10 to park, $13 each to get in!) we were stamped with "SPIRIT," and we so are spirited!  There was a lot of spirit at the events center, too.  I finally got a picture of Little Miss there with Santa...she's in her full makeup and regalia...but still, picture with Santa...check!  And they each brought a toy to donate, which Little Miss really likes to do.
We went to Build-A-Bear (much to Loverboy's joy) after the competition where we accumulated yet another stuffed dog (welcome to the Nockinbird family, Sugar) and purchased a pre-made bear at her request to donate to Toys for Tots.
She seemed to enjoy chatting up the handsome young Marines as well.  After lunch at Olive Garden (what do they put in their salad dressing that makes it so ridiculously yummy?  Baby seal oil?) we tried to stay awake for the drive home...mostly successfully.  At cheer practice tonight, it all seemed like a surreal dream that I had seen all those people only 30 hours earlier. 

Other fun things that have been going on include:

This basket of deliciousness that arrived as a birthday present for ME from MawMaw.  I said for ME!  I'm pretty sure some people have been helping themselves when I'm not looking.

Speaking of things that are mine...some snoopy snoop found my pink rhinestone cat's-eye glasses and fell deeply in love.  I was afraid she was going to want to wear them to school the next day, having enjoyed the attention they drew while were eatting dinner out. 

Three and a half more days 'til Christmas break...three and a half more days.  Ho, ho, ho.

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