Saturday, January 9, 2010

Me and my gal

It was a girls day at home today.  Minor Christmas pack-up was accomplished, then motivation gave out.  A nap was called for...and...wait for it...accomplished!  By mama anyway.  Thank you, Santa, for the Legos and the 45 minutes of attention they can hold!

An art project seemed called for, so we broke out the new stamps and went to town on some brown paper bags.  Wrapping for this years' birthdays, perhaps?  Note:  we are not big on glamour for a day at home...or even brushing hair.

I kept trying to ignore repeated (and repeated, and repeated...) requests to make cupcakes.  Finally, I decided to stop saying "no."  What harm was there in just making some cupcakes?  Weigh in at Weight Watchers on Monday comes to mind, but box mix cupcakes with canned icing--I can resist.  And she will, too, and I'll end up tossing them out next weekend.  But, hey, go with it.  Now, if I were having to face down the luciousness that can be found at Cakespy, that'd be something different.

Continued postponement of bathtime was also a big theme.  Gaming was the bait, and I couldn't resist.  Lurking in my closet was Penguin Pictureka game that was forgotten Christmas Eve the winter fairie meant to leave in Anne's room.  (Don't worry, winter fairie, Eagle Eye found it while "helping" me put up Christmas decorations.)  Then there was an air hockey challenge. And who can say no to a challenge from a four-almost-five-year-old?  Not this mama.  Apparently, all the girls in our house l-o-o-o-o-v-e air hockey.

I don't count this game as a loss.  It was two against one.  We could NOT keep Emily away!  She was batting away at the puck, barking, blocking.  AND she scored against me!  Not fair, I say, not fair.

Then there was a request for pigtails for bedtime.  There was an easy one to say "yes" to. 

There really are two pigtails there. 

An all around nice day.  Give and take was the rule.  Anne:  art project, cupcakes, games, hairdo.  Mama:  nap and all the greens beans eaten at dinner .  Victory!

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